Custom devices

The Input System provides a mechanism to register custom devices. For more details, please refer to the official documentation.

After registering a device using the method above, you can display the glyph images for that device by extending Input Glyphs. Extending requires handling C# scripts.


  • Create a class that implements IInputGlyphLoader. This class takes the device type and button information and returns a Texture2D of the glyph image.
    • Example: GamepadGlyphLoader.cs
  • Register the loader instance to InputGlyphManager at the Awake() timing.
    • Example: GamepadGlyphInitializer.cs

Simple Method

The simplest method is to inherit from DeviceGlyphLoaderInitializer<T>. This covers the loader processing, texture map passing, and manager registration. KeyboardGlyphInitializer.cs and MouseGlyphInitializer.cs are implemented in this way.

using InputGlyphs.Loaders.Utils;

public class MyDeviceGlyphInitializer : DeviceGlyphLoaderInitializer<MyDevice>

Attach this component to any object in the first scene and set the InputGlyphTextureMap asset. For details on creating the InputGlyphTextureMap asset, please refer to Glyph textures.